
Compilation in BooJs differs from other popular Javascript transpiler solutions in that there isn’t a one-to-one relation between a .boo file and a .js file. The compiler will consume any number of .boo files to generate a single output .js file as a result of the compilation process.

The resulting javascript file is the equivalent to a .Net assembly (a .dll file) or a .so file from GCC. It contains all the generated code from the source files, no matter if it was just one or a dozen.

If no output filename is given to the compiler, it will use the name of the first source file given. See the following examples:

$ boojs
# Generates test.js

$ boojs
# Generates test1.js

$ boojs -o:out.js
# Generates out.js

If the compiler detects an error while processing the source files it will report it and exit with an exitcode of 1. A successful compilation won’t output anything and terminate with an exitcode of 0. You can use this exit code values to integrate the compiler into build systems (ie: your text editor).

Response Files

Response files (.rsp) are text files that contain compiler switches and arguments. Each switch can be on a separate line, allowing comments on lines prefixed with the # symbol. To instruct the compiler to parse a response file we pass it as an argument prefixed with the @ symbol. Response files can be nested by including an argument line with the @ prefix and the path to another response file.

$ cat cool-project.rsp
# This is the configuration to compile my cool project
# Project files to compile

$ cat cool-project.verbose.rsp

$ boojs -debug @cool-project.verbose.rsp


This mechanism is a great way to automate simple builds without using a dedicated build tool. Even when using a build tool they can simplify the integration of the BooJs compiler.

Compilation metadata

Boo is a statically typed language, in order for the compiler to check if the code complies with the type contracts it needs to know what the valid types are for using a symbol. Since Javascript is not typed, once we have compiled some Boo code the compiler wouldn’t be able to apply those type checks without having access to the original .boo files. To avoid having to compile again and again all the source in your project the compiler will embed type information as a comment //# booAssembly in the generated javascript file, this allows the compiler to have all the needed information when referencing an already compiled library.

This type information is quite heavy in size, so it’s recommended to strip it before publishing the files for its use in production, since it’s just needed by the compiler and in any case used at runtime. Most javascript bundlers or optimizers will take care of removing comments in the javascript code, so while BooJs does not offer a tool for stripping this info it is a trivial operation if you include one of these optimizers in your build process.

Improving the code-compile-test cycle

In order to ease your development work flow you can instruct the BooJs compiler to keep watching your project files for modifications, triggering automatically a compilation on every change in the source files. By using the –watch command line flag, the compiler will keep running after the first compilation, monitoring for changes in all the involved files, automatically compiling a new version of the program if a change is detected.

$ boojs --watch -o:test.js

In this execution mode compiler messages are outputted to the stderr using the yellow color for warnings and the red color for errors.

To exit the watcher mode just press ctrl-c to terminate the compiler process.


Since the compiler generates assemblies from the source files, it can’t monitor a directory for new files and the such. If your project consists of different assemblies you will have to launch the compiler in watcher mode for each one of them, terminating and launching them again if you add, delete or rename any source file.


Google Chrome and Firefox (other browsers will probably support it shortly) offer support for mapping a Javascript file with the files that were used to generate it, .boo files in our case. When we enable the sourcemap feature in the compiler two things will happen, first a new file will be generated containing a json payload with the sourcemap metadata (version 3), secondly a special comment will be included in the generated javascript file indicating the location of the sourcemap metadata.

When debugging a javascript file in a sourcemap supporting environment, we would be able to operate on the original Boo code instead of the generated Javascript one, including the option to interactively debug the program step by step based on Boo statements.

$ boojs -o test.js *.boo
# Generates test.js and


If we are using the Boo.debug.js runtime addon and we compile in debug mode, we will be given a processed stack trace when an uncaught exception occurs, mapping the Javascript to the original Boo code. This functionality should work independently of the native support for sourcemaps in the executing environment.

Runtime and dependencies

BooJs requires a small runtime for the generated code to work, besides any other dependencies your program may be using (ie: jQuery). These dependencies should be provided in the executing environment before loading the generated code, by default BooJs won’t load them automatically or include them as part of the generated file.

At the bare minimum you will need to make sure that the Boo.js file has been loaded. There is an optional runtime Boo.debug.js file which can help in debugging problems, which you can use while developing.

Generating code for production

The compiler generates performant code by default if you don’t use the --debug switch. However it tries to generate Javascript code that is easy for a human to read, in order to ease troubleshooting problems. If you’re targeting an environment where size matters (web site, mobile devices, ...) you will most probably benefit from using a Javascript optimization tool like Google Closure or UglifyJS.

These tools will first of all remove metadata included in the form of comments which is only needed by the compiler. Moreover they will mangle variable names to make them shorter and thus reducing the final code size. Some of them will even reduce the size by removing dead code (not used types for example).


The compiler will try to generate code that is safe to process thru any of these optimizers, so you won’t have to worry about configuring them to produce a valid result.